Virtual Civil Engineering Department
CRB recognizes that not all companies and organizations can have indoor civil engineering departments. There are many sectors that are utilizing civil engineering services and we understand the challenges that come with having indoor engineers …

Private Construction Procurement Entity
The question is, as a project owner, how do you know who to assemble on the evaluation team and why? Why gamble and yet you have a clear and precise option. Just avoid all that hassle and guess work by simply contacting CRB. We handle the Construction …

Construction Project Management
We serve practitioners and organizations with standards that describe good practices, globally recognized credentials that certify project management expertise, and resources for professional development, networking and community.
Property Management and Valuation
Buying a house or land is the largest single financial transaction most people make, and it can turn into a very expensive millstone if, after acquisition, you discover that there has been settlement or lack of value for money.
Construction Materials Platform
CRB supports manufacturing companies producing construction and building materials. We study the market on the producer’s behalf and inform him with a through feasibility study and an appropriate market research.